Peasants! I mean, penguins! Club Penguin has released issue #411 of the newspaper! Check it out!
The first section is a message from Aunt Arctic. She wrote about Captain Rockhopper's visit to Club Penguin! Captain Rockhopper has not been to the island at all this year. He will be this year's Medieval Party mascot!
The next section, written by Gary, explains magic. It looks like there will be some fantastic magic at this year's Medieval Party! I guess that's what the Club Penguin Team meant when they said it was different this year! Check it out!
The last part is the normal, Upcoming Events section. The new Penguin Style is out now! Go get yer Medieval Costumes, peasan-I mean penguins. The Medieval Party also starts NEXT WEEK! Are you ready? I definitely am!
What do you guys think? I'm excited for this year's Medieval Party! It seems completely different than normal! Let us know in a comment below!
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