CPGuide's Journey - The Final Chapter ~ Club Penguin Cheats 2013 | Club Penguin Teen Beach Movie - Summer Jam 2013

Saturday, September 28, 2030

CPGuide's Journey - The Final Chapter

Lately, the world of Club Penguin blogging has gone in a downward spiral. Views have diminished, posting has been decreased - it's been a complete wreck. Sure, you may argue your blog may not be suffering, but 95% of other blogs are. Twitter, - the main source for views and communicating news - has been destroyed. Over 50% of all Club Penguin Twitter users have quit or taken a break.from pointless and stupid drama. Drama has torn the Twitter community apart and it's making the game less fun for everyone. Every time I log on Twitter, I see at least one person having an episode with another. It's sickening. Club Penguin is supposed to be a game where everyone has fun and gets along, not fight over pointless subjects.

 The Club Penguin blogging community has been dictated by teenagers and even some adults. All they want is money, money, money, fame, and don't forget, money!!!  If you notice, we don't have many advertisements on CPGuide.net at all. You don't see game, movie, or product ads flying in your face every 5 seconds. It's nice to make a little money, but not let that factor get in your way of blogging. The staff here blog for a passion. If you don't enjoy what you're doing, then what's the point of doing it? You just want the money? - Now, you gotta admit, that's just pathetic. I pity those who blog for money and fame.

Club Penguin isn't what it used to be. Some people like the way the "new" Club Penguin is (which is perfectly fine), but all the other native players don't. People aren't liking the takeovers, the advertising parties, and the major changes being made to the older parties.

CPGuide can't go any further with all of this madness occurring. Not many blogs will recover from this harsh time of the Club Penguin blogging universe.

 This is the final chapter.

 All great things must come to an end - CPGuide.net was great. You guys made it great. I wanna thank you so much for that. We did the posts for you. We did the giveaways for you. We tracked mascots for you. We made this blog for you!!! CPGuide is closing now because we wanna see it end as a successful creation. It certainly was, and it achieved many mind blowing milestones. We worked hard - we finished strong. You made our experience on Club Penguin special -- we hope we made yours special too.

This blog will officially close on 10/10/13.



  1. Dude! I agree with i meant like if they did any takeovers or advertising parties so what? They always makes the parties best. Everybody was against the Teen Beach Movie Party after it started everybody saying it's awesome...I will miss this blog this blog is the bestest blog ever I visit this blog everybody for latest cheats and for the Best tracker you guys are so awesome!! I'm feeling bad because the blog is closing down :(

    1. Dood I know right? :( Just as shocked as you are D:

  2. mee too i will miss this blog forever
    and everything :-(
